Healing Tears of Hope


I cannot be silent any longer. It has been over a month since Russia’s unprovoked invasion of peaceful Ukraine. The world watches in horror as Mr. Putin continually targets civilians in an unprovoked war. A once beautiful and thriving seaport city is now in ruins. Its remaining citizens hide in cellars of bombed buildings to survive. Basic human needs and safe corridors to safety have been cut off by Putin’s brutal attacks.


I can barely believe what I am seeing and hearing as my heart breaks with the news of Russian airstrikes devastating a Maternity Hospital and historic theater in Mariupol. The word “children” written in huge white letters on two areas of pavement next to the theater indicating civilians were sheltering inside was ignored. There is NO excuse for these criminal acts.


My inner rebel calls. I have no understanding of the lack of compassion and humanity for Ukraine’s most vulnerable. Women, children, and the elderly have been the primary targets of Putin’s War. Disbelief takes over my heart as I watch live footage of the destruction and unnecessary deaths of the innocent. I feel helpless. I must DO something.

A painting called, “Healing Tears” is tucked away in my studio. I decide to bring it out. A flood of inspiration flows through me. I pour love and light for Ukraine as I paint for hours transforming the painting from its original version. I feel guided as I release the deep sadness I feel for Ukraine and its people. It seems like the only way I can support Ukraine’s most vulnerable is to re-create this painting now titled, “Healing Tears of Hope”. Hope for peace and the end of this senseless war replaces my earlier fury.

Ukraine IS hope for the World. Ukraine’s love for their country and hope for a better future for all is undeniable. They are willing to die for the right to be free from dictatorship. Ukraine and President Zelensky have become beacons of light and truth for all to witness. Ukraine has provided an awareness of how fragile life and freedom are. Seeing is believing.

Glory to Ukraine.
